Wisdom Tooth Extraction: What Your Dentist Wants You to Know

Are you experiencing pain in the back of your mouth or noticing bleeding gums? These could be signs that your wisdom teeth are causing issues. Unattended wisdom teeth can damage the surrounding teeth and even result in severe issues like sinus infections. If you are considering wisdom tooth extraction, here is a list of things your dentist wants you to know:

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed?  

Avoiding wisdom teeth extraction can lead to severe dental issues such as:

  • Your wisdom teeth might become impacted or trapped in your jaw. This can lead to infections or a cyst, damaging your bone support and teeth roots.
  • Your wisdom teeth might partially emerge through your gums, so cleaning them might be difficult. As a result, your wisdom teeth become a haven for infection and gum disease-causing bacteria.
  • If there is a lack of space in your mouth, your wisdom teeth can put pressure on your other teeth, damaging them, causing pain, and affecting your bite.
  • Sometimes, impacted wisdom teeth can grow in your sinuses and cause congestion, sinus pain, and pressure.

How To Determine If Your Wisdom Teeth Need Extraction: 

  • Pain In The Back Of Your Mouth

Experiencing pain in your wisdom teeth does not necessarily mean they must be removed. It is essential to contact your dentist if you encounter any discomfort, and they will take X-rays to determine if your wisdom teeth are impacted or causing an infection. If that is the case, it will be necessary to remove them.

  • You Have Decided To Undergo Orthodontic Treatment

You must remove your wisdom teeth if you decide to get braces. If there is insufficient space in your mouth, they might push against your other teeth and cause alignment issues.

  • Bleeding Gums

If you notice that your gums in the back of the mouth bleed when you brush, it could be a sign that your wisdom teeth are emerging and might need to be removed.

  • Persistent Earaches Or Headaches.

Many people think wisdom teeth only cause pain in the back of the mouth, but they can also cause discomfort in other areas of the head and mouth. For example, pain in the mouth or jaw can also radiate to the ear and sinuses.

  • Swelling In The Jaw.

A wisdom tooth that grows at an awkward angle can cause swelling in your jaw. Initially, the swelling may not be noticeable, but it can become more pronounced over time.

How Are Wisdom Teeth Removed?  

Dentists will first take X-rays to get a clearer idea of the location of your wisdom teeth. Depending on the complexity of your case, you will either be given a local anaesthetic or general anaesthesia. Once the anaesthesia has taken effect, your dentist will open your gum tissue to remove the tooth. Sometimes, bone tissue might cover the tooth. In this case, both the tooth and bone will be removed.

If your wisdom teeth have been causing discomfort, schedule a consultation with Androscoggin Dental Group. During your visit, we will discuss the pros and cons of wisdom tooth extraction and help you decide whether your wisdom teeth should be extracted.