When is it advisable to have a tooth extracted?

Many individuals tend to ignore their oral health because of insufficient knowledge of how it can affect their overall well-being. Neglecting minor dental problems can lead to severe complications that may require intensive procedures. Whether you have stained teeth, slight pain, decay, or sensitivity, it is essential to visit a dentist regularly to maintain your oral health.

Dental care is crucial, as even minor negligence can lead to procedures such as root canals, tooth extractions, and minor surgeries. Although tooth extraction can alleviate many dental problems, it is not always necessary. Dentists only recommend tooth extraction under specific circumstances.

When Is Tooth Extraction Necessary?

  • Deep Decay or Damage

If you experience severe pain or tooth sensitivity, it may be due to deep decay. Ignoring the early signs of decay can result in tooth extraction. Decay or caries usually begin small and can have various causes, such as poor oral hygiene, food stuck in teeth, or pressure from adjacent teeth. Additionally, wisdom teeth can cause decay in other teeth, and removing them can prevent damage to your entire bite.

  • Broken Or Fractured Tooth

If you have slightly broken teeth, you may not need to have them removed. Instead, restorative treatments can be used to help fix them. However, if your tooth is fractured or broken in the deeper layers, it can cause a lot of pain and even allow bacteria to enter the tooth, leading to decay and more damage. In such cases, having the tooth extracted may become necessary to prevent further harm to your bite.

  • Impacted Teeth

Sometimes, a tooth can get stuck in the gum tissues or bone, and this is called an impacted tooth. The most common tooth to become impacted is a wisdom tooth, which can happen when there isn’t enough space in the mouth or when there is overcrowding or malocclusion. In the case of an impacted wisdom tooth, it is often recommended to have it extracted.

  • Overcrowding

If you have extra teeth or lack mouth space, it can lead to overcrowding and an improper bite. Tooth extraction is a common procedure to help fix these problems. Removing extra teeth allows your bite to be aligned properly and your smile to look beautiful.

  • Periodontal Diseases

Periodontal diseases refer to infections that affect the gums and soft tissues, which can also impact the bones and teeth. If left untreated, the teeth may begin to decay and require extraction. Gum infections can also weaken the roots, causing the teeth to become loose and eventually necessitating tooth extraction.

  • Malocclusions

Sometimes, a tooth can cause pain that spreads to your head, neck, and shoulder muscles. This can happen when a tooth obstructs your bite, putting pressure on your jaw joint and muscles. A tooth extraction can relieve the pain.

  • Pain After Restorative Treatments

Extraction may be necessary when restorative treatments, such as root canals, fillings, crowns, etc., fail to relieve dental pain.

If you need to have your wisdom teeth removed in Lewiston, you can rely on Androscoggin Dental Group. They offer effective restorative dental services, including wisdom tooth extraction. Contact the dentist at Androscoggin Dental Group today to improve your oral health with their top-notch treatment.